Canadian Resort & Travel Association

Help CRDA Create A Vibrant 2014 Conference

March 12, 2014

ANCOUVER, BC - CRDA's 2014 conference will be held in Toronto on September 23-25.  

The association's mandate is to broaden our reach beyond vacation ownership to include all types of resorts. As part of achieving that goal, we are branding our event the "Canadian Resort Conference (CRC)”. Our intention is to make CRC fresh, vibrant and most importantly, relevant by “Exploring the Business of Vacations”.

In order to deliver relevant content, we want to hear from you. What will you be looking for when you attend CRC? What are the specific takeaways that will make you feel like the time was well spent? What are your personal and professional goals in attending CRC? 

Please help us create a compelling agenda by sending your answers to the above questions, your comments, thoughts or suggestions by March 21 to Kimberly Davidson, CRDA’s Member Services Manager, [email protected].

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GNEX-CRTA 2024 Conference
was held at the
Fairmont Château Laurier, in Ottawa

September 3-5, 2024
Photo Gallery
See you next year!
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