Canadian Resort & Travel Association

Meeting 3 Bright Minds Who Are Our Future

January 25, 2022

3 Cool Guys.

The total age of 3 equals the age of 1. Now, that on its own is a little disheartening for the author. One day you’re 26, and the next you wake up at 66. I remember singing “when I’m 64” and that was over 2 years ago.  But I don’t mind the age; matter of fact I was told that it's better to age than the alternative. Makes a lot of sense to me.

We met on a golf course in Orlando. They were very welcoming as I was paired with them. Along the way one asked me what I did for a living. A few minutes later they knew more about me than most business colleagues. Yes, they googled me.  Now who does that on a golf course? gaetan with 3 cool guys

They were full of questions about the Timeshare Industry in 2022 and the conversation during the entire 18 hole was incredible. I feel I got more from these guys than the other way around. They were impressed by our Industry; the size of it, its economic impact on the GDP. We discussed relationships, marketing and what age does give you as an advantage, experience, and wisdom. 

But on the other hand, I was learning about the power of E Commerce for one. All 3 being in the early 20’s, their language was evidently different than mine. One had created a new business a couple years ago and the speed of their growth was impressive. And all due to new ways of reaching clients. While I still struggle to keep up with Social Medias, they were teaching me how they use it to promote ideas and connect with a much larger market than what traditional marketing accomplishes. What is often a challenge for baby boomers is the norm for this new generation Z. It is fair to say that all 3 of these guys were on the right path. I wish them all the success they deserve.

We got along because we all were interested in each others perspective on various topics. How refreshing versus the one way “let me tell you about me and my accomplishments” kind of discussion. They insisted that I join them for dinner which we did. The entire evening was appreciated by everyone. So, what did I learn?

I joined this Industry nearly 30 years ago. I met some of the smartest, and most enterprising individuals along the way. Our product design, sales and marketing has evolved with the ages to meet new demographics and psychographics. However, you want to know what to create, what to change? You need to listen to this new generation, which is our future market.

What impressed me with these 3 individuals was their appetite for knowledge. But an appetite to learn from what they referred to as only listening to credible sources asides from available social medias. They admitted not to respond to tricked marketing approaches. They check everything online for credibility. Once they trust you, they listen and act on your advice.

Because of this unplanned meeting, I will focus at our next Industry Conference to connect with creative young minds. Their view is often different but enlightening. So that is my commitment at GNEX in Las Vegas. Hope to see you there; it is a very interactive conference and attended by the real leaders and innovators of the Vacation Industry 

It was a real pleasure meeting 3 bright minds who are our future. I hope our paths cross again in the future.

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Gnex Crta Masonry
GNEX-CRTA 2024 Conference
was held at the
Fairmont Château Laurier, in Ottawa

September 3-5, 2024
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